Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Words I live by

This phrase had been up on my Vision board for the last few weeks, and it really has pushed me to, DO MORE! .   " Doing more than you think you can,"  can mean an infinite amount of things. It can mean to workout longer and harder than you ever have before, it can mean to read those books that have been on my shelf forever instead of drone out watching tv, it means to talk to a homeless person on the street and take them to lunch, it means to smile, smile, smile:)in public even though you just got finished shedding some tears in the car alone,  to finish the the long list of things to do and make another one, to get up early and make yourself an amazing smoothie or juice for the day, to smell those flowers you walk by on the way to work everyday, to volunteer on your only day off, to practice being in the present......We are all amazing human beings with so much potential,  We can all aim for the stars and make it!   Our bodies and spirits are designed to be pushed to their limits!!  That is how we grow as individuals and as a whole. I . Have a little over three months until my surgery and I am planning on being in the best shape of my life by that time!  Yes I did just turn 30, and so "they" say that our bodies go down hill from there.  BUt you know what I say to that!!!...I am only getting more and more healthier by the second and in better shape than ever before!  People still think I am in my early 20's (thanks to my Japanese side)  But if you feed your cells yummy whole foods and the right vitamins/ supplements then the whole of you is going to stay young forever!
Please join me by DOING MORE than you ever thought you could and take care of your beautiful *mind* bodies and souls!!!

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